Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hayden is crawling!!!

Hayden is 8 months old now!!!! Our little man has made a lot of progress over the past month. He is regularly saying ma ma and da da. Here lately he is waving and occasionally will pair that with a ba-ba. It is really cute. Plus - last week he started crawling!!! It was a bittersweet moment. I am so excited to see him progressing and getting mobile, but then again, that means he is growing up too quickly and I now have more work cut out for me chasing him around!!! : ) He now has 2 teeth on the bottom and the top. His side top teeth have come in first so he has a vampire appearance if you see him smile really big. It is really cute. He is in full-blown momma mode. I am all he wants these days. It is great, sometimes overwhelming, but great!!

I have posted a few pics. We are going to take him to get his Christmas picture made this weekend or sometime next week. I will post the pics once we get them. I am sure there will be several new posts to come soon since we will be so busy with the upcoming holidays!!


Curtis Family said...

Yay Hayden!! That first picture is my favorite! He is growing up so fast!

Tabitha and Kelly said...

CRAWLING?!? Wow!!! He's getting so big!! I hope we see you guys soon!! Take care of that growing boy. So sweet!