Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Hayden!!!

So, it is a little overdue but I have finally found time to write about hayden's 1st birthday. It was March 21st and wonderful. He had such a great time. A ton of people showed up, probably had about 55 counting kids so I was scared that he was going to be a little overwhelmed with all of those people in his house. But he did great. His cake turned out wonderful. Cakes by Mom and Me made it and they even made a small smash cake for him that matched. He really liked the cake and of course, had it all over himself.

Then it was present time. HE LOVED IT!!! He got right in the middle of things and just ripped open the paper and had a blast. He played with every single toy I opened. It was really cool to see him so interested in it.

I have posted a few pics so you can see what a wonderful day it was. It is so hard to believe it has already been a year. It is so wonderful being parents and getting to enjoy these moments with our little man.
The Cake
The Candy Bar
Looking At All The Gifts
Eating Cake
Opening Presents
Opening Presents
Hayden and Momma

Banner Above Fireplace
Decorations in Entry Hall
Watching Daddy Work on the New Lawnmower
Mowing the yard - He smiles now but probably won't be smiling when he is a teenager and that is his job around the house. : )

The Happy Family
This New Face That Hayden Makes At Us

Friday, February 13, 2009

Poor Baby Hayden

Well - we have our first major boo-boo. Craig and Hayden were playing upstairs on Wednesday night. Hayden got a little fussy b.c he was getting tired so Craig decided to bring him downstairs. Craig slipped and fell on about the second step from the top and he and Hayden fell all the way down the stairs. Hayden bumped his head on the wrought iron railing but Craig managed to keep him tucked in tight. He had a bump on his head so we went to the emergency room. When we got there, he was perfectly fine and the bump was going away so we left. Then yesterday morning when we got up, Hayden wouldn't put any weight on his left leg. After a full day of going to doctor's office, we found out that Hayden broke his leg. It is a small fracture where his shin bone meets his ankle. They said it is the most common injury they see at this age and in this type of situation since the parent is typically gripping this area of the leg to protect the fall. He had to be put in a cast (as you can see). He will have to wear it for 3 weeks, bless his little heart.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hayden's First Snow

Hayden got to play in his first snow. He didn't really know what to think but he appeased his momma by letting me take a few pictures. He tried to eat some of it - not suprisingly, since EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING goes into his mouth these days. : ) Below are a few more pics. Enjoy!!!